Quit smoking comfortably and permanently with '10 Steps to Become a Non-smoker'
Would you rather be an ex-smoker that craves cigarettes - or a non-smoker who never gives them a thought?
We think we know the answer - but read on to find out why the '10 Steps to Become a Non-Smoker'
hypnosis download pack will enable you to stop
smoking for good, and never crave another
Most smokers have experienced it more than once. Several weeks down the road to quitting for good, then...
One slip and all that effort wasted
All those good intentions made; cravings resisted; plans laid and for what?
A few weeks off the cigarettes.
And every time, it seems like it's OK to do it. But why?
Because addiction is very clever, that's why, and it works at an unconscious level.
So however strong your conviction is to start with, addiction waits until you are at a 'low' point, and then strikes.
And suddenly you find yourself making up the most incredibly creative reasons for why it's OK to have 'just that one'.
So how can you stay stopped?
There is a profound difference between a smoker that has stopped smoking and a non-smoker. The smoker courageously resists having a cigarette, while the non-smoker couldn't think of anything worse than smoking.
You've probably heard those people who quit smoking 10 years ago and still say "Every time I have a beer I still want a cigarette" - if you are trying to stop smoking that is a terrifying thing to hear!
But it simply means is that they only quit smoking at a conscious level - that is they decided to stop, and stopped. Unconsciously, smoking is still an attractive prospect for them.
If you're going to quit smoking, do the job right
There are a million and one ways to stop smoking... from nicotene patches and chewing gum to tablets, lozenges, inhalers and Zyban the stop smoking drug. In addition, there are plenty of people out there willing to tell you how to stop smoking - quit tips are everywhere.
But they all miss one vital component - the unconscious mind.
If you are going to make the effort to free yourself from the terrible effects of smoking, why not do it right? Use a proper smoking cessation program that will leave you free of the desire to smoke.
Most smokers have experienced it more than once. Several weeks down the road to quitting for good, then...
One slip and all that effort wasted
All those good intentions made; cravings resisted; plans laid and for what?
A few weeks off the cigarettes.
And every time, it seems like it's OK to do it. But why?
Because addiction is very clever, that's why, and it works at an unconscious level.
So however strong your conviction is to start with, addiction waits until you are at a 'low' point, and then strikes.
And suddenly you find yourself making up the most incredibly creative reasons for why it's OK to have 'just that one'.
So how can you stay stopped?
There is a profound difference between a smoker that has stopped smoking and a non-smoker. The smoker courageously resists having a cigarette, while the non-smoker couldn't think of anything worse than smoking.
You've probably heard those people who quit smoking 10 years ago and still say "Every time I have a beer I still want a cigarette" - if you are trying to stop smoking that is a terrifying thing to hear!
But it simply means is that they only quit smoking at a conscious level - that is they decided to stop, and stopped. Unconsciously, smoking is still an attractive prospect for them.
If you're going to quit smoking, do the job right
There are a million and one ways to stop smoking... from nicotene patches and chewing gum to tablets, lozenges, inhalers and Zyban the stop smoking drug. In addition, there are plenty of people out there willing to tell you how to stop smoking - quit tips are everywhere.
But they all miss one vital component - the unconscious mind.
If you are going to make the effort to free yourself from the terrible effects of smoking, why not do it right? Use a proper smoking cessation program that will leave you free of the desire to smoke.